Tuesday, September 29, 2009

Post-it Note Purses

PICT5131 Some one asked me at the fair if I could post pictures of the cute little post-it purses that I taught in one of the classes. It was a busy class, I had so many people that I ran out of supplies!!! But not to worry, this project is quick and easy to recreate, you just need to pick up a pack of post-it! As a tip: look for sticky notes at the dollar store or in clearance bins at department stores, especially if you are going to make a bunch of them. Another option is to split a tall notepad into even chunks, these stacks can also be found at the dollar store! Its all about finding the best deals!!
They are very easy to change up for any occasion or season. The second one is made with a smaller chunk of a notepad. It is mounted on a chipboard coaster, which is covered in designer paper. Add some ribbon and some embellishments and it’s done!PICT5133

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