Friday, September 18, 2009

Simple Snowflakes

Any one who stops by our booth at the Western Fair can get a special postcard entitling you to 15% off your order through me! The card is valid anytime this year, but I am only giving them out at the fair!

Remember the really pretty folded snowflake I made a while back? Well I was going to teach it at one of my classes at the fair, but after it took me 3 days and a lot of patience to make 10 for a 3-D swap I decided that it might be a little too intense… So I was left to come up with a new ornament! Here it is:

I cut out two snowflakes with the Big Shot die and sponged them with coordinating colours. I stuck them together with a dimensional to pop up out the front snowflake, then stuck a rhinestone brad through the two snowflakes and the dimensional. Instead of ribbon for the loop I used the new silver cord from the Holiday Mini. That’s it! Told you it was easy!!!


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